Fighting Invisible Tigers | Earl Hipp

Fighting Invisible Tigers

Earl Hipp

Fighting Invisible Tigers uses the metaphor of a tiger to explain what stress is and the effects that it can have.

Physical Book

Central Otago & Queenstown Lakes Library Invercargill Library Clutha District Library Otago University

Fighting Invisible Tigers uses the metaphor of a tiger to explain what stress is and the effects that it can have. It is aimed at young people and covers common stressful situations that they have to deal with and includes tips and strategies to help manage these. Strategies include healthy eating, exercise, self-care, relaxation exercises, healthy relationships, time management, goal setting, assertiveness skills, positive self-talk and decision making. The valuable information in this book is conveyed using language that is straight forward, simple and easy to understand. Additionally, quotes from teenagers about their own struggles and successes are included, making it more relatable for young readers.